1.3.1 Knowing the components in Nuclearsoft ERP System
1. Label : Component for display information.
2. Button: Component for user to press.
3. SpeedButton : It can be imported picture inside.
4. Edit / DBEdit : It is a input box, and DBEdit can link with database data.
5. CheckBox / DBCheckBox : Components for users to check, , and DBCheckBox can link with database data.
6. Memo / DBMemo: It is a input box which can be multi-lines inputted, and DBMemo can link with database data.
7. ComboBox / DBLookupComboBox: Components for users to input data by selecting information in menu form, , and DBLookupComboBox can link with database data.
8. DBGrid : It is a data table which is formed by database data.
9. Panel : It is a container which can let different components to put on it.
10. Tab: It is a switching interface component for user to switch to different pages by clicking on tab