Advanced Tutorial
1.How to do operation when adding extra attached fare or making discount of the whole order for added order?
Use way of Product and Material Record Level 0 (Account Level)
2.System record is gotten more and more, how to find target record in short time?
Shortcut Search Function of system list
3.How to output system data in Excel format and how to input a batch of data into system?
Operation way of output system list or input Excel
4.For system selections in Client, what is the function of so many selections?
System selection explanation instruction
5.How to solve the situation when use can not log in Client?
Solution for user cannot login Client
6.How to distinguish saved data of Client and data of Server?
How to distinguish Client database and Server database
7.How to login ERP system outside company?
Hot to login ERP system outside company side?
8.How to do with when module panel can not be shown completely after login ERP system?
How to do with problem that window show incompletely
9.How to do with when Server pops up frequently when using ERP system?
How to avoid problem that Server pops up frequently
10.When login ERP system, if there is no company name in login window and user can not login system, how to solve the problem?
How to solve problem that no company name is shown when login ERP system
11.When opening order, how to solve the problem when there is some member data can not be selected in salesman field?
How to solve problem when there is some member data can not be selected in salesman field in opening order
12.How to find save path of report format words and print format words?
The save path of report format words and print format words
13.How to find save path of product and client pictureĦH
Save path of picture
14.How to operate when inputting client payment term data?
How to input payment term data
15.What is the function of buttons in the top of order product list?
Order product handy function operation instruction
16.How to operate when quantity and unit that are displayed to clients are different with quantity and unit that are internal use in company when opening order?
How to make product quantity or exchange rate of unit
17.What is the difference between discount of order product and calculation rate, how to use them?
The use instruction of discount and calculation rate of order product
18.How to operate when user want to add product directly after selecting product informationĦH
Interface of add product for order instruction
19 .How to operate when user combine several sales orders to generate one delivery order for one client or user combine several purchase orders to generate one goods receive order for one vendor?
How to combine order to do operation of goods receive or goods delivery
20.How to combine several invoices to make receipt for one client?
How to combine order to do receivable operation?
21.How to do operation when user wants to combine several invoices to make receipt?
How to combine several orders to do receivable operation?
22.How to do operation when user want add a new unit record or set unit exchange rate?
Unit record setting
23.How to do operation when user want to modify company name or other general information?
Company record setting
24.How to set Client/Vendor product, how to update latest product sales price/purchase price according to selected Client/Vendor New Product Sales Price/Purchase Price
Product/Service Function Setting